Sunday, March 18, 2012

More Than the Money

I was just promoted to an Internet Sales Manager!  This is exciting news.  I feel motivated to take this career to the next level.  I look forward to sharing my experiences in the coming years with all who venture onto this blog.

Currently I am having adventures with all who wander onto Courtesy Ford's lot.  You know, past the lot lizards and the looky-loos, and right to my new desk, which is currently located near the corner window.  The car business is a lot of hard work with the amount of hours we put in.  We often work from 8:30am to 9:00pm many days in a row.  When I get home there is peace, and when I get home realize that my office is in a state of constant party.  People everywhere, phones ringing, deals being made.  Everyday is a Saturday for that people making that next move in life.  Even when your car is broken and you HAVE to shop there is no reason to subject yourself to bad service.  You should hear some of the horror stories I hear from people who shop at other dealers!

What I've found is people who buy Fords are more often than not reasonable folks who like good value in what they buy.  Ford owners are very loyal as well.  So once the nerves signing up for a large purchase wears off, there is a time of enthusiasm customers feel that can only come with a giant leap.  It's cool to be a part of that excitement.  Kind of like this picture of me jumping off high rocks in the Clackamas River.

To the unknown world of ownership we go.  That thrill of having something that is truly and solely yours.  Owning something that truly improves your life.  A few examples from this month include the nice man who needed a more fuel efficient ride to help transport his wife with cerebral palsy (besides the old Ford E-350 transport van).  So I sold him a pre-owned Ford Transit Connect!

Like the young woman this week who had poor credit and expensive taste.  She needed a nice chap to help her build credit.  She wanted a $20K Edge.  The Edge easy to fall in love with, shoot, I just saw it in the latest Bond film...usually reserved for Austin Martins and Audis right?  Well there the Edge was, in all its bold glory.   Right by the Edge on our lot there was the $10K Focus that she could actually afford!  And these Focuses are great too.  The trouble was, she had really never driven a stick!  But that didn't stop me from taking her to the nearest parking lot and going through step by step how to do it (remembering my Ski Instructor past).  Then jumping out the car in the near empty golf course parking lot, I say, "OK! Let's do it!"  and she says, "Who, Me?".....YES!  Go go GO!  And we did figure eights in the parking lot until she got up enough courage to go out into the open road.  Later she purchased the car, and that's what it's all about.

So, yes I earn commissions for what I do.  But truly what it's about is serving others to get what you want.  Let's face it, we all need a little help.  Especially buying a car.  Thanks for reading, and happy driving!

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